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U.S. Border Patrol's Enforcement Measures Continue in Upstate NY

A recent article by Nadja Drost of Hearst Newspapers reports that U.S. Border Patrol continues its tough enforcement practices along the northern border, particularly in upstate New York. Despite Border Patrol’s stated “high priority mission: to detect and prevent the entry of terrorists and their weapons into the United States,” the article reports that Border Patrol’s efforts to increase security along the northern border have only led to an increase in catching illegal immigrants who pose no security threat at all. This, in turn, has led to an increase in the number of individuals who are referred to Immigration Court for removal (deportation) proceedings, which has caused a backlog that is overwhelming the U.S. Immigration Courts.


As stated by an anonymous Border Patrol agent quoted in the article: “we hold everyone; it’s absurd.”


Read Article: Heightened Security at U.S.-Canada Border Catching Few Terror Suspects




Read Article: Immigration Courts Face Huge Backlog


Visit U.S. Border Patrol Website: http://www.usborderpatrol.com/


Read Article: Border Patrol Expands Transportation Checks

Read Article: Some Travelers Criticize Border Patrol Inspection Methods


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